Category: Robert Kimmel Smith (Dad)

Dad’s War With Grandpa

Dad’s War With Grandpa

According to an article on, the Hollywood family comedy The War With Grandpa—adapted from the 1980s children’s book by my father, Robert Kimmel Smith, and starring Robert De Niro—earned just over a million bucks box office on its first day of release, October 9, making it the number-one movie in the Coming-Apart-at-the-Seams States of …

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Robert Kimmel Smith (1930-2020)

Robert Kimmel Smith (1930-2020)

My sister, Heidi Pie Aronson, and I co-wrote this remembrance of our father, who passed away on April 18. *** Robert Kimmel Smith, novelist and author of the children’s books Chocolate Fever and The War With Grandpa, died Saturday at his home in Manhattan. He was 89. He passed peacefully from natural causes, said Margery …

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